Publicaciones en Revistas Indexadas (WoS)
- Ferreira, A., Curilem, M., Gomez, W. et al. Deep learning and multi-station classification of volcano-seismic events of the Nevados del Chillán volcanic complex (Chile). Neural Computing & Applications (2023).
- Castilla, M. -., Huenupan, F., Curilem, M., Fustos, I., San Martin, C., & Franco-Marin, L. (2023). P and S wave detection for the nevados de chillan volcanic complex (chile), based on spectro-temporal features. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 435 doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107756.
- Estevez, P.A., Sbarbaro, D. & Curilem, M. Special issue on Latin–American computational intelligence. Neural Comput & Applic 35, 9267–9268 (2023).
- Canário, J. P., de Mello, R. F., Curilem, M., Huenupan, F., & Rios, R. A. (2020). Llaima volcano dataset: In-depth comparison of deep artificial neural network architectures on seismic events classification. Data in Brief, 30 doi:10.1016/j.dib.2020.105627.
- Canário, J. P., Mello, R., Curilem, M., Huenupan, F., & Rios, R. (2020). In-depth comparison of deep artificial neural network architectures on seismic events classification. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 401 doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106881.
- Salman Khan Muhammad, Curilem Millaray, Huenupán Fernando, Farhan Khan Muhammad, Becerra Yoma Néstor. A Signal Processing Perspective of Monitoring Active Volcanoes. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE. 1053-5888/19©2019IEEE November 2019. 125-133.
- Curilem M., Mello R., Huenupan F., San Martin C., Franco L., Hernndez E, Rios R. Discriminating seismic events of the Llaima volcano (Chile) based on spectrogram cross-correlations. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 367, pp 63-78.2018.
- Soto R., Huenupan F., Meza P., Curilem M., Franco L. Spectro-temporal features applied to the automatic classification of volcanic seismic events. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2018. 358.pp.194-206.
- Firoozabadi, D. A., Seguel, F.,Soto, I., Guevara, D. Huenupan, F., Curilem, M., Franco, L. Evaluation of Llaima volcano activities for localization and classification of LP, VT and TR events. Journal of Electrical Engineering . 2017. 68(5).325-338.
- Bhatti S., Khan, S., Wuth, J., Huenupan, F., Curilem, M., Franco, L., Becerra-Yoma, N. Automatic detection of volcano-seismic events by modeling state and event duration in hidden Markov models. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.2016.324.134-143.
- Curilem, M, Huenupan, F., Beltran, D., San Martin, C., Fuentealba, G., Franco, L., Cardona, C., Acuna, G., Chacon, M., Khan, S., Becerra-Yoma, N. Pattern recognition applied to seismic signals of Llaima volcano (Chile): An evaluation of station dependent classifiers. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.2016.315.15-27.
- Curilem, M., Vergara, J., San Martin, C., Fuentealba, G., Cardona, C., Huenupan, F., Chacón, M., Khan, S., Hussein, W., Becerra-Yoma, N. Pattern Recognition applied to Seismic Signals of the Llaima Volcano (Chile): An analysis of the events’ features. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.2014.282.134-147.
- Acuña, G., Curilem, M, Cubillos, F. Desarrollo de un Sensor Virtual basado en Modelo NARMAX y Máquina de Vectores de Soporte para Molienda Semiautógena. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial.2014.11(1).109-116.
- Acuña, G., Ramirez, C., Curilem, M. Software sensors for biomass concentration in a SSC process using artificial neural networks and support vector machine. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering.2014.37(1).27-36.
- Curilem, G., Villarroel, F., Muñoz, C., Vargas, A., Maureira, I. Image Correlation Method for DNA Sequence Alignment. PLoS ONE.2012.7(6).E39221.
- Chacón, M., Curilem, G., Acuña, G., Defilippi, C., Madrid, A.M., Jara, S. Detection of patients with functional dyspepsia using wavelet transform applied to their electrogastrograms. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research.2009.42(12).1203-1209.
- Muñoz, C., Vargas, F., Bustos, J., Curilem, M., Salvo, S., Miranda, H. Fuzzy Logic in Genetic Regulatory Network Models.International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control.2009.4(4).363-373.
- Curilem, G.M.S, Vergara, J., Fuentealba, G, Acuña, G, Chacón, M. Classification of Seismic Signals at Villarrica Volcano (Chile) using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.2009.180(1).1-8.
- Curilem, G.M.S., Barbosa A.R. & De Azevedo F.M. .Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Formalization as Automata and Interface Design Using Neural Networks. Computer & Education.2007.49(3).545-561.
- Curilem, G. M. S., De Azevedo, F. M., Barbosa A. R. Adaptive Interface Methodology for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2004.3220.741-750.
- Ferneda, E., De Barros, C. E., De Almeida, O. Hyggo, Brasil, L. M., Lima Jr.A. P., Curilem, G. M.An e-Learning Environment in Cardiology Domain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2004.3220.818-820.